An italian version of the acclaimed and innovative Norwegian youth series Skam, which follows a group of teenagers in their everyday life of school, lo...详情 >
wtFOCK (also known as Skam Belgium), is the Belgium international remake of Norwegian Skam. The first episode was aired in October 2018, being th...详情 >
Skam is getting a French remake. Shooting starts on September 25th and we’ll get four seasons. Sana is now called Imane (17-20 yo, MENA or african, m...详情 >
La série suit le quotidien de plusieurs meijubar.net adolescents. Chaque saison est centré sur un personnage (Emma pour la première, Manon pour la s...详情 >
La série suit le quotidien meijubar.net de plusieurs adolescents. Chaque saison est centré sur un personnage (Emma pour la première, Manon pour la s...详情 >